So as a child my Favorite Toy was probably a Nerf gun Because they one I had was actually a Nerf minigun. I would always go down stairs to my basement and shoot it anyone I see like my brothers, Parents, younger Cousins, friends, and on Very rare occasions my grandparents. although I barely got to use it because my 3rd oldest brother (I have 4 brothers) would always use it when we played down stairs in my grandparents basement. If I didn't like playing I would usually play bakugan or video games, and even with my Lego. As I grow up I learned not to shoot my grandparents or rather not point the thing at them because when I was older I found a cross bow and there was a sensitive button to launch an arrow (the arrow was small but real, with an Metal tip). one day I was playing and I was 10 I found the crossbow and showed it to my parents and my grandmother and the trigger was so sensitive it nearly shot her in the head. after that I stayed away from everything that can shoot. 

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