Thursday, November 3, 2016
Food, Glorious Food
Ok Food Who doesn't love Food. I've been wondering if anyone makes food now a days because making food the way you see fit to you taste Amazing. What do you cook at home. When I cook at home I usually make Desert such as Brownies, Cookies, Cake, and on very rare occasions Donuts. I really don't know how to make Donuts so usually I have help to make them. Right now I'm learning how to make great to perfect Boston creme Donuts. I also cook many other things such as Chicken (in many different ways), Steak (also in many different ways), Pancakes, Eggs, Pizza, Soup, Rice, Spaghetti (if I can cook spaghetti I can cook ground beef and noodles.) Beans (I don't like beans but my parents do.), and Burgers. I love it when we are able to cook.

Thursday, October 27, 2016
In 10 Years
In 10 years I see myself as a engineer or a musician because I Learned how to take many things apart and put them back together or make them better than it normally was before. My oldest brother takes many things apart and learn how they work as well as make things like a bow, computer, a desk, a cardboard megaman Blaster, and many more. I also would love to make weapons, electronics, and fake weapons. I also love playing my musical instrument.

I play the baritone saxophone because I love the deep low sounds it makes and I love music in general.
I play the baritone saxophone because I love the deep low sounds it makes and I love music in general.
Thursday, October 20, 2016
Childhood Favorite Toy
So as a child my Favorite Toy was probably a Nerf gun Because they one I had was actually a Nerf minigun. I would always go down stairs to my basement and shoot it anyone I see like my brothers, Parents, younger Cousins, friends, and on Very rare occasions my grandparents. although I barely got to use it because my 3rd oldest brother (I have 4 brothers) would always use it when we played down stairs in my grandparents basement. If I didn't like playing I would usually play bakugan or video games, and even with my Lego. As I grow up I learned not to shoot my grandparents or rather not point the thing at them because when I was older I found a cross bow and there was a sensitive button to launch an arrow (the arrow was small but real, with an Metal tip). one day I was playing and I was 10 I found the crossbow and showed it to my parents and my grandmother and the trigger was so sensitive it nearly shot her in the head. after that I stayed away from everything that can shoot. 

Monday, September 19, 2016
Whats Really True about Video games.
Video games don't make you Violent, lag does and we can all agree.

Ok so video games do NOT I repeat do NOT make people violent they are only violent if you let anger consume you or them in a video games such as lagging in a special part of a game that's important to you. Some games that are team based such as overwatch, Team Fortress 2, and Counter Strike, People get mad over something idiotic like lagging or over a Ignorant teammate or even a little kid that does not know how to play. Lucky there are some people in the Community that are willing to help and the community is also getting better in video games by adding Competitive so no one has to get Angry over something idiotic like the things I listed. And Coaching in some games. Parents aren't off the hook either. For kids who are violent and parents say they get it from video games its not your fault its you're parents fault because parents are suppose to teach their kids how to respond to things even if they aren't familiar with it such as video games. And even if they didn't teach you how to respond to video games just don't let anger consume you. Remember its just a video game its not like its going to affect your way in life unless your a youtuber or you make a big deal about it or say something that's Stupid , a Secret, Racists, Mean, Embarrassing, or even something funny which I doubt that will happen because your being aware of what your saying Right? If your not it may haunt you for the rest of your life. So be careful of what you say on the internet, Games, or even life.
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